Thursday, February 16, 2017

Letter Of Advice

Dear he/she Columnist, As a school teacher with problems of my own. I am asked by a distress older woman to teach her god son to be a man before he dies. Now confused on the idea of teaching someone else to become a man in a short amount of time. The court system is charging him with death of a white man, only because he was at the wrong place with the wrong people. I am confused on what is a man to be, do I even know what a actual man. I ask myself if it is worth it, Jefferson the young man believes he is a hog, only because white man said it. In our first meet he would act nonchalant and would ignore me. How am I able to teach someone as stubborn as he? How am I suppose to fulfill miss Emma's wishes, if her God son has put in his mind that he is just a "hog", when I brought in dinner, Jefferson decides to demonstrate how was just a hog and not human like everyone else by only eating without his hand and eating sloppily like a animal. What are some ways that I can get through this young man to let him know he worth something, he is a black "man" and is proud of it, instead of what he is label as "hog"? How to get through such a stubborn mind as his? Thank you, Grant.

Sunday, February 5, 2017


CHAPTER 3 questions 1. How does Henry Pichot's insistence that Jefferson "did it" redirect the plot narrative? A: that he, no doubt in his mind that Jefferson did it because he was a black man and only held his tongue for miss Emma. 2. A:He is saying that Miss. Emma wants him to see Jefferson and saying that she just wants him to feel guilty about it and actually go. 3. A: It basically symbolizes the way the "black only" entrance and how they all enter through the back as slaves and his his aunt Tante Lou told Grant that she never wanted him to ever enter through that door again. 4. A: Because she has done so much for his family she feel as if they could owe her this last wish, and she feel that she could not take no more heartbreak and only want her god son to die as a man and not labeled as a "hog". CHAPTER:3 (QUOTES) QUOTE #1: "He did it", "I spoke for him because of you, but all the time I knew he did it." Pg. 22 A: This quote is significant, because even though Mr. Henri does not have any facts on what happen, he still label him as the bad guy and just because he is a black young man he is automatically guilty no matter what. This quote relate to modern day problems black men to this day still are being treated as "hogs", most of the time they are in jail for crimes they never commit. (Question #6) QUOTE #2: "They called my boy a hog, Mr. Henri," Miss Emma said. Pg. 20 A: In this quote, Jefferson is characterize as "hog" who does not know any better. As an uneducated, black, low boy. His God mother wants her god son to know his worth as a man even though he is label a hog in the white man eyes. He is characterize as uneducated or "dumb" like an animal and should be put down as an Wild out control animal because of what he is label as. (Question #2)

Monday, January 16, 2017

Blog post assignment 1

My name is santiera Lacey, I am 17 years young. Hopefully by next year I will actually have an idea of what I want my future career to be. My goals in life is to be successful and comfortable in life. I do not need to be wealthy to be happy. But, even though I do not have a set career just yet, I do want to attend the Air Force if I can not decide what my career is. I have a few hobbies, one is reading, I love to read a lot especially books on African Americans and our history. Another hobby I am infatuated with psychology, in my free time I enjoy reading on how the human mind function, it is one of the most interesting things I had ever read and researched. In 2017 I hope to finish my eleventh grade year with at least a 4.0 GPA, and I hope to have a great rest of the year making new friends and learning new things. As we go into 2017 a lot has changed over the last decade or two, one is that over the years we had a African American leader as our president. Martin Luther king jr. dream was to have all people equal and treated the same whether you are black, white, yellow, orange. Every skin color matter and should be treated just as equal because we all bleed the same and we all are going to be buried the same no matter what. As I think about Martin Luther king jr. today, I see his dream has finally come true, even though we still fight for other rights at least something has finally changed for the better. Today we celebrate his birthday and victories he has been fighting for years, has finally became a reality.